
Type Title of the scientific publication Authors (Affiliations) Public Link



Presentation Standardization needs for a QKD startup Andreas Poppe (AIT), Pejman Panahi (IDQ),  Mirko Pittaluga, Robert Woodward (TOSHIBA) 2021-09-28_1205_SebastianEtcheverry_LuxQuanta_Standardization needs for a QKD startup 28 September 2021


Presentation Standards for building large QKD networks Vicente Martin (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Diego R. López (Telefonica) 2021-09-28_1150_VicenteMartin_Telefonica_Standards for building large QKD networks

28 September 2021


Presentation Gap analysis for trusted nodes and network devices Walter Jontofsohn (Deutsche Telekom) 2021-09-28_1140_WalterJontofsohn_DT_Gap analysis for trusted nodes and network devices

28 September 2021

14 Presentation Certification of QKD-Devices Manfred Lochter (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) 2021-09-28_1120_ManfredLochter_BSI_Certification of QKD-Devices

28 September 2021


Presentation Activities concerning security standards Matthieu Legre (ID Quantique) 2021-09-28_1110_MatthieuLegre_IDQ_Activities concerning security standards

28 September 2021

12 Presentation Standardization at CEN-CLC Marius Loeffler (DIN – German Institute for Standardization) 2021-09-28_1040_MariusLöffler_DIN_Standardization at CEN-CLC

28 September 2021

11 Presentation QKD related work at ITU-T Helmut Griesser (ADVA Optical Networking SE) 2021-09-28_1030_HelmutGriesser_QKD related work at ITU-T 28 September 2021
10 Presentation ETSI-ISG-QKD Martin Ward  (Toshiba Europe Limited) 2021-09-28_1020_MartinWard_TEUR_ETSI-ISG-QKD 28 September 2021
9 Presentation Overview of the current standardisation landscape on QT Vicente Martin (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) 2021-09-28_1005_VicenteMartin_UPM_Overview of the current standardisation landscape on QT 28 September 2021
8 Presentation Standardisation Hannes Hübel, Andreas Poppe, Helmut Leopold and Martin Stierle (Austrian Institute of Technology) 2021-09-28_1001_HannesHübel_AIT_Standardisation 28 September 2021
7 Presentation Agenda of Workshop on QKD standardisation Austrian Institute of Technology 2021-09-28_1000_Agenda_Workshop on QKD standardisation 28 September 2021
6 Presentation GÉANT Infoshare: Quantum Key Distribution – Practical Implementations, Challenges, R&E Use Cases and Standardisation outlook Andreas Poppe (AIT), Pejman Panahi (IDQ),  Mirko Pittaluga, Robert Woodward (TOSHIBA) 17 March 2021
5 Presentation GÉANT Infoshare: Quantum Technologies – Principles, Challenges and Applications Eleni Diamanti (CNRS) 20 January 2021
4 Journal Quantum Key Distribution: A Networking Perspective Miralem MEHIC (UNSA, VSB), Marcin Niemec (AGH), Stefan Rass (AAU), Jiajun Ma (QCTEK), Momtchil Peev (HUW), Alejandro Aguado (UPM), Vicente Martin (UPM), Stefan Schauer (AIT), Andreas Poppe (AIT), Christoph Pacher (AIT), Miroslav Voznak (VSB) 28 September 2020
3 Chapter in Book  Error Reconciliation in Quantum Key Distribution Protocols Miralem Mehic (UNSA, VSB), Marcin Niemec (AGH), Harun Siljak (TCD), Miroslav Voznak (VSB) 12 May 2020
2 Journal Quantum cryptography networks in support of path verification in service function chains A.Aguado(UPM), D.R. Lopez (TID),A.Pastor(TID),V.Lopez(TID),J.P.Brito(UPM), M.Peev(Huawei), A.Poppe(AIT), V.Martin(UPM 1 April 2020
1 Journal  A Novel Approach to Quality-of-Service Provisioning in Trusted Relay Quantum Key Distribution Networks Miralem Mehic (UNSA, VSB), Peppio Fazio (VSB), Stefan Rass (AAU), Oliver Maurhart (AIT), Momtchi Peev (HUW), Andreas Poppe (AIT), Jan Rozhon (VSB), Miroslav Voznak (VSB) February 2020
D10.4 EC project Public Deliverable Project Video Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC) Deliverable 10.4 31 January 2021
D8.7 EC project Public Deliverable Second and Final Report on Field Trial Execution Jean-Sébastien Pegon (IDQ) Deliverable 8.7 27 February 2023
D8.6 EC project Public Deliverable First Report on Field Trial Execution Adomas Baliuka (LMU), Lukas Knips (LMU), Harald Weinfurter (LMU) Deliverable 8.6 31 May 2022
D8.3 EC project Public Deliverable Report on testbed replicability and performance Francesco Vedovato (UNIPD), Paolo Villoresi (UNIPD), Giuseppe Vallone (UNIPD), Florian Kutschera (AIT), Victor Lopez (TID), Vicente Martin (UPM), Jose Luis Rosales Bejarano (UPM), Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC) Marc Geitz (DTAG) Deliverable 8.3 28 February 2021
D7.5 EC project Public Deliverable Final report of operation of testbeds and local sites Hugo Zbinden (UNIGE), Marc Geitz (DTAG), Juan P. Brito (UPM), Piotr Rydlichowski (PSNC), Florian Kutschera (AIT), Giannis Patronas, Adrian Wonfor (CAM), Daniel Tiemann (ICFO), Rebecca Mayrhofer (TU), Olivana Palivan (SIG), Francesco Vedovato (UNIPD), Eleni Diamanti (CNRS) Deliverable 7.5 1 March 2023
D7.1 EC project Public Deliverable Report on Testbed and Use-Case Demonstrator Deployment Hugo Zbinden (UNIGE) Deliverable 7.1 30 April 2020
D4.4 EC project Public Deliverable Portal for virtual testbed access “QKXperience” Florian Kutschera (AIT), Emir Dervisevic (UNSA), Miralem Mehic (UNSA), Ladislav Behan (VSB), Lukas Orcik (VSB), Miroslav Voznak (VSB) Deliverable 4.4 31 January 2022